
First-Step Dorelja : 2008 (Vivaldi x Calypso)

Exported to China to prepare Asian games


Drap norv

IPS Don Massimo : 2005 (Don Larino x Santander H)

Exported to Norway, competes in international junior 

Drap allem

Lully :  (Likoto x Weltmeyer)                                                             

Exported to Germany, competes in international junior.

Drap suedois

First-Step Fame : 2010 (Bordeau x Rodhium)

        Fame rosieres aux salines 2015 2

Exported to Sweden by Sophie Lexner, to prepare the 2020 Olympics games

First-Step Love : 2011 (Don Massimo x Voltaire) sold for the complete, Ms Candice Bibot in Belgium.

F s love

First-Step Gossip Girl : 2012 (Soliman De Hus x Donnerhall) exported to France                             

First-Step Kiss : 2011 (Bravour x Don Gregory) broodmare, Mrs Sonnet in Belgium